Vision Performance Specialties provides optometric vision therapy, sports vision training, and developmental vision support to the people of Billings and its surrounding communities.
One of our primary goals at Vision Performance Specialties is to help you maximize your potential to perform at work, play, and school. Whatever your current visual skills problems, an individualized program of visual training can offer you the chance to learn better tools for seeing the world.
Almost 80% of learning in school occurs through vision, and vision is far more than just seeing 20/20. There are many visual skills required for school, such as eye focusing, eye teaming, eye movements, and visual perception skills. A child can have “20/20 vision” and still struggle in school because of a visual issue. These deficits are not just something a child grows out of, so these children become adults who can struggle with visual demands of the working world. Vision therapy can effectively train the brain-eye connection to improve visual efficiency and processing.
Also, if you or someone you know has a medical condition which might affect visual performance (such as brain injury, autism, ADD/ADHD, etc.), there are vision therapy options for treating the many visual problems associated with these conditions.
Mission Statement
To provide advanced, evidence-based clinical services to those seeking improvement, rehabilitation, or development of visual function.
To practice teamwork with other professionals engaged in serving those who can benefit from improved visual function.
To change lives through vision!
Who Benefits From Vision Therapy?
Learning-related Vision Problems
Vision therapy can help those individuals who lack the necessary visual skills for effective reading, writing, and learning (i.g., eye movements and focusing skills, convergence, eye-hand activity, visual memory skills, etc.)
Poor Binocular Coordination
Vision therapy helps individuals develop normal coordination and teamwork of the two eyes (binocular vision). When the two eyes fail to work together as an effective team, performance in many areas can suffer (reading, sports, depth perception, eye contact, etc.).
Strabismus and Amblyopia
Vision therapy offers treatment for turned eyes and/or lazy eyes beyond just glasses, and/or patching, or surgery. The earlier the patient receives vision therapy the better the outcome. However, no person is too old to benefit from improved visual function.
Stress-induced Visual Difficulties
21st century lifestyles demand more from our vision than ever before. Children and adults in our technological society constantly use their near vision at work and home. Computer Vision Syndrome is one of the fastest growing concerns in the workplace today. Environmental stresses of the visual system (including excessive computer use of close work) can induce eyestrain, headaches, and/or visual difficulties which can be effectively treated with corrective lenses and/or vision therapy.
Visual Rehabilitation for Special Populations
Vision can be compromised as as result of neurological disorders or trauma to the nervous system (such as brain injuries, stroke, whiplash, developmental delays, autism, etc.). Vision therapy can help to rehabilitate the visual consequences of trauma.
Sports Vision Enhancement
Strong visual skills are critical to sports success. Almost all sporting activities require your eyes to instruct your hands and body as to what to do! Accurate vision and sport-specific visual skills can be developed, and enhanced through vision therapy. We successfully improve eye-hand coordination, visual reaction time, peripheral awareness, eye teaming, focusing, tracking, and visualization skills (to mention just a few).